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Important facts about carpet

Those who love carpet will quickly tell you, they aren’t likely to switch over to a different type of floor covering. They’ve come to know what all homeowners know who have had this flooring for very long:the benefits are hard to beat. As technology improves, those benefits just keep coming, and now there are more than there ever has been.

Carpetland knows the most important details about this particular floor covering, and we don’t mind sharing that knowledge with you.We have been providing quality flooring and services since 1977, and we look forward to helping you with your specific needs. We service the areas of Springfield, Woodbridge, Alexandria, and Falls Church, VA, with showrooms in each of those cities. We invite you to come out and speak with a flooring professional who can help you find a floor covering that suits your needs perfectly.

What you need to know about carpet

One of the most important things about carpet is the fiber it’s made of. This not only gives it the look and feel you want, but determines its characteristics as well. For instance, some fibers stand up better in high traffic areas, some resist stains and moisture, while others are created simply to be beautiful. The fact is, there is a fiber out there that will meet your specific needs, and your flooring professional can help match you with the right one.

Many homeowners are thrilled to learn that some fibers are manufactured with built-in stain protection. Some are even geared specifically towards pet stains and odors. This is great news for homes with pets and small children, as well as for those homeowners who live busy, active lifestyles and simply can’t keep up with rigorous maintenance. For tougher situations, extra stain protection can still be added after installation.
It’s very important that you do not forget the padding, or skip it in hopes of saving a bit on the budget. Believe us when we tell you, it’s just not worth it.

When it comes to installing your carpet, it’s best to allow professionals to be the ones to do the job. It’s a process that requires specialized tools and a certain degree of experience, if you want to get the most out of the carpet itself, including a longer life span. Amateur installers can make simple mistakes that can lead to seam separation, bunching, and other little problems that can drastically reduce the lifespan of this flooring.

Reimagine your home

with our carpet gallery